Thursday, March 08, 2007

Slavery - an Apology.

Wow, this is great. We now all have to feel very guilty about our involvement in the slave trade in the past and must abase ourselves, being incredibly penitent and generally groveling about as only modern PC people can be. To some extent, I agree with this. The slave trade was an abomination that debased humanity. But why do we only have to apologise to Africa? Why can't we get the Italians to apologise to everyone from Egypt to Scotland for all the slaves the Romans dragged out of their hovels and worked to death in their gross Empire? What about the Vikings? Bloody Danes, they should be sending a letter and a box of choccies to every house from Thurso to Lands End for their thoughtless piratical ways back in the dark ages. And what about those Arabic Corsairs of the 16th and 17th century, plucking unlucky individuals from villages along the Atlantic coasts from North Africa up to the Bristol Channel? Surely a cheque in the post, a bottle of wine and a balloon with "Sorry for ruining your great great great great great great great great great great great grandads life" on it in comic lettering would soften the blow that their modern descendents still suffer with?